IES “Luís Seoane”

IES “Luís Seoane” is a public secondary school and vocational training college. Several educational levels are taught in our school: compulsory secondary education, Higher secondary Studies, marketing, Administration and Finance, management and International trade and Commerce. Courses for adults are also taugtht in the evenings. IES Luís Seoane has around 900 students, 80 teachers and 12 members of non-teaching staff.

“Luís Seoane” High School is in Monteporreiro, a neighbourhood 3Km east of Pontevedra city centre. Pontevedra is a small city in Galicia, region in the north of Spain.

Our educational Project and ongoing programs are determinated by our identity as “UNESCO ASPNet member”. Our school has extensive experience in projects related to peace culture, to studying and preserving the cultural, inmaterial and environmental heritage, to migration movements, to sustainable developtment and to global citizenship.